A flexible and reliable analyzer with maximum uptime.

The Dansensor CheckMate 4 is our premier headspace gas analyzer - a compact tabletop instrument that combines extreme accuracy and reliability with an intuitive user experience. The multilingual touchscreen helps minimize the training time needed for new operators. At the same time, individual user logins provide limited access to functions, helping to secure data and traceability.

Save product test settings to ensure complete and comparable data records. Quickly switch between product test settings on-screen or by scanning the product’s barcode with the optional barcode scanner.
1 - 3 of 3 | Results Per Page | View | Unit of Measure

Item #

Item Name

Minimum Sample Volume

Minimum Sample Time

Measuring Range


Heating Time

N/A Dansensor® CheckMate 4 O2 (Zirconia) Headspace Gas Analyzer N/A 2 mL N/A 3 seconds N/A 0 to 100 % N/A Over 1% O2±1% of Readout Under 1% O2 ±0.01% N/A 10 min
N/A Dansensor® CheckMate 4 O2 (Electrochemical) Headspace Gas Analyzer N/A 5 mL N/A 7 seconds N/A 0 to 100 % N/A ±(0.25 % absolute + 2 % of readout) N/A
N/A Dansensor® CheckMate 4 CO2 (Infrared Dual Beam) Headspace Gas Analyzer N/A 5 mL N/A 8 seconds N/A 0 to 100 % N/A ±(0.5 % absolute + 1.5 % of readout) N/A 10 min
1 - 3 of 3 | Results Per Page | View | Unit of Measure