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Dansensor® MAP Check 3 Reduce Your Gas Consumption with Gas Save

On-line gas analyzer increases quality assurance on MAP-enabled flow packaging machines

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is an effective technology which can be steamlined and made more efficient with simple additions to your process line.

The Dansensor® MAP Check 3 gas analyzer is designed to be precise, so the gas target you set, is the gas dosage you get. It eliminates the all-too-common problem of well-intentioned operatorsmore
Unit of Measure



AMETEK® Dansensor® MOCON®

Available Sensors


Key Features

Temperature controlled dual beam infrared carbon dioxide sensor, 0 - 100% range


± 0.5% absolute ± 1.5% relative of reading

Heating Time

8 min


Available with Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) display or as "Black Box" without display


2 x RS232C| Local (LAN) 10/100 Mbit (Modbus TCP)| Universal Serial Bus (USB)| Current or Voltage Output| 24 VDC Logic for Machine Control Signals and Alarms
Alternating Current (AC) Voltage1 103 to 132 V207 to 264 V


47 to 63 Hz


192 mm


230 mm


375 mm
Weight2 8.5 to 11.5 kg


European Conformity (CE)

Gas Media

Any mix of dry O2, CO2, N2 or Ar (0°C to +50°C gas temperature)

Gas Inlet Pressure

2 to 10 bar

Pressure Drop at 10 bar Input Pressure

Example: 1 bar at 10 bar input pressure

Gas Flow

6 to 500 L/min

Display Size

5 in

Display Type

Color Touch Screen

Flow Measuring

Total and daily consumption.

Number of Inputs


Protection Kit

Ingress Protection (IP45) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA 3S)

Bracket, Assembly

Can be combined with MAP Mix Provectus and MAP Check 3 Pressure: 2 brackets, 8 screws.



  • Significant gas savings when paired with the optional GasSave function Dansensor® MAP Mix Provectus gas mixer.
  • Logs and displays actual gas consumption for easy traceability with GasSave option.
  • Reduces labor costs and waste compared to manual testing.
  • Avoids recalls and repacking by automatically stopping production when preset limits are exceeded.
  • Reduces work area CO2 levels to protect employees.



  • 5 Inch (in) color touch screen.
  • Excellent data logging capabilities with Universal Serial Bus (USB) and Ethernet.
  • Fully integratable with Dansensor® MAP Mix Provectus gas mixer.
  • Delivered with PC software.
  • Option: 3-channel multiplexer.
  • Extended remote monitoring and control options with Modbus TCP.

How Does it Work?

How Does it Work?

  1. Before running the Dansensor® MAP Check 3 for the first time, enter individual product programs on the analyzer for each product to be packed on the machine. Thereafter, simply select the correct program to automatically set the correct alarm and target gas levels.
  2. When the packaging machine is running, Dansensor® MAP Check 3 continuously measures the residual oxygen and/or carbon dioxide.
  3. If the oxygen or carbon dioxide levels near the preset limits, Dansensor® MAP Check 3 notifies the operator. If the limits are exceeded, Dansensor® MAP Check 3 stops the packaging machine.
  4. If equipped with GasSave or connected to the Dansensor® MAP Mix Provectus, Dansensor® MAP Check 3 automatically adjusts the gas flushing of your product, according to the residual oxygen. This prevents incorrect residual oxygen levels and reduces gas costs.

Additional Information

Additional Information

For most manufacturers, this translates into a 20-50% decrease in gas consumption! It also improves reliability and efficiency. Unlike random, off-line quality control, on-line quality assurance with the Dansensor® MAP Check 3 means that every package is tested - more quickly and efficiently than with manual testing. If there is a problem, production stops automatically, helping to avoid recalls or the need to repack entire batches.



Specifications subject to change without notice.
  • 1 Auto ranging
  • 2 Depending on model